Mittwoch, 22. August 2012

GYBN Team building & How to build a network


The secound day of the GYBN Kick-Off Conference concentrates on team building and how to build a network.

Morning plenary

This is team building!

DSC04328 - Begin
magical Mariana, persistent/pretty Peri, laughing Laura,
jumping Jan, noisy Nora and miming Mouna
from left to right

DSC04334 - Next
creativ/crazy Christian, fighting Fortuné, maximum Maxwell, extreme Esther, short Shailyn, smiling Sudarshan, vivid Veli, interested Isabel, jealous Jean Paul and dancing Dayna
from left to right

DSC04335 - Third
marinated Mpha, spiritual Sabuj, mysterious Mirna,
inspiring Irma and eating Eyal
from left to right

I am juggling Julia.

DSC04336 - Vort
cool Christoph, notorious Nina, joyful Juliane, analytical Alex,
sweet Svana and gorgeous Gista
from left to right

DSC04337 - Last
tree loving Tsigi, smart Sikander, natural Norina, mystical Melina,
amazing Alex and last but not least adapted Adele
from left to right

And don't forget!

Organizations Fair

The organizations fair will provide a space to connect, share knowledge and skills, bulid coalitions, and give delegates the opportunity to showcase their work and organizations and also to get to know about other's organizations around the world.

DSC04340 - Prep

DSC04344 - Win

DSC04346 - Marina
Mariana from the USA and the Earth in Brackets organisation

DSC04347 - Maxwell
Maxwell from Ghana builds green jobs.

DSC04348 - BirdGree
Peri from Greece presents Bird Life International.

DSC04350 - Ca
Shailyn from Canada is talking about

DSC04352 - Jane
the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada.

DSC04356 - Yes
Sri Lanka

DSC04357 - Sri

DSC04359 - IUCN

DSC04360 - Neth
from the Netherlands

is working at the IUCN.

DSC04363 - Isra
Eyal from Israel presents

DSC04366 - Blume
the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel.

DSC04367 - Unu
Mpha and Adele are students at the United Nations University
in Yokohama in Japan.

DSC04369 - Mpha

DSC04371 - Japam

DSC04373 - Bio

DSC04375 - Biodiv
Both are specialized on biodiversity.

DSC04377 - Saduj
Sabuj from India is working for the Wildlife Institute of India.

DSC04381 - Gista
Gista from Indonesia presents

DSC04384 - Him

DSC04385 - Benin
Fortuné talks about the University of Abomey Calavi in Benin
and the laboratory of Applied Ecology.

DSC04387 - Mirna
Mirna comes from Bolivia

DSC04388 - Bolivia
and her organisation does conservation work of different areas.

DSC04389 - NAJU

DSC04390 - WWF
Christoph from Germany is a member of WWF Germany.

DSC04391 - Pfad
Isabel presents the Bund deutscher Pfadfinder (BDP).

DSC04392 - Bulgaria
Veli come from the UN association Bulgaria.

CBD Structure

DSC04396 - CBD
Christian gives a talk about the structure of CBD.

Youth participation at UN process

Best practice: Presentation of the two youth organizations YOUNGO, MGCY and go4biodiv.
How is youth participation organized in other UN processes? What are lessons learnt and how can GYBN profit from this experience in order to elaborate the network's structure and its mandate? Three representatives from YOUNGO (UNFCCC (climate change)), MGCY (UNCSD (sustainable development) and go4biodiv (UNCBD)) share their experience with us.

DSC04402 - CSD

DSC04405 - Lena
Lena presents

DSC04406 - Leno

DSC04407 - Youth
Jean Paul talks about YOUNGO.

DSC04410 - Learn

DSC04411 - Nina
Nina tells us about go4biodiv.

DSC04415 - Ninaa

Planel Discussion

UNCBD process - options for youth to participation.
What possililities of youth participation do exist in the UNCBD process, where and how can youth constructively contribute to debates and negotiations.

DSC04416 - Plenary
Nina, Günter Mitlacher, Caren Herbstritt, Heiko Warnken & Jean Paul
From left to right

DSC04421 - Heiko
Heiko Warnken is the head of the Department Environment,
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

DSC04425 - Gunni
Since 2009 Günter Mitlacher has worked for the WWF Germany
in the field of international policy for the conservation of Biodiversity.

DSC04426 - Juliane

DSC04435 - Sik

DSC04437 - Greek
This means Biodiversity in Greek.

DSC04438 - Chirs

Short history of GYBN

The GYBN interim steering committee tells us about the origin of GYBN.

DSC04445 - GYBN

DSC04446 - Blue
Dayna and Shailyn

DSC04448 - Gistha

DSC04452 - Nagoya

DSC04455 - Fortune


After dinner I am going for a short walk around the Bildungszentrum Elstal.

DSC04456 - Elstal

DSC04457 - Soccer

DSC04458 - Robinie
Black Locust
Robinia pseudoacacia

DSC04459 - Red

DSC04460 - Wanze

DSC04461 - Biodi

DSC04465 - Me
This is me.

DSC04468 - Gelb
Canada goldenrod
Solidago canadensis

DSC04469 - Geb

DSC04471 - Wiese

Working space

We are discussing about topics we want to include in the GYBN Policy Paper.

DSC04473 - Peop

DSC04474 - Adele

DSC04476 - gybn

DSC04477 - More

DSC04478 - Naju

DSC04397 - Atten

It's getting late. Tomorrow you will see more of Structuring GYBN.


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