02. - 06.07.2014
After four days of bird observations and soil sampling at the Kunawski Bridge with Clare and Ruslan, we visit Basa Delta together with Viktor for my secound round of bird observations and more soil sampling of Clare. Ruslan and me were in Basa Delta before and now we show Clare and Viktor around the tourist station. We meet lots of fisher tourists, get to know the workers in Basa Delta better and concentrate on our work. I'm still observing birds and Clare examines ground water and soil composition at the island. Besides we are enjoying our time ...
Black-headed Gulls and Black Terns
Lachmöwen und Trauerseeschwalben
Chroicocephalus ridibundus et Chlidonias niger
База Делта
Clare and her soil samples
The amazing sauna tent
Small fisherman
Clare at our tent camp
Phragmites communis
Black-winged Stilt and Pied Avocet
Stelzenläufer und Säbelschnäbler
Himantopus himantopus et Recurvirostra avosetta
Clare is digging
and examining soil.
Always the Pied Avocet takes care that we don't get to close to him.
I'm typing my data
and classify some birds.
Clare while water level measuring
Calystegia spec.
Valerie (left) is the owner of Basa Delta.
One of the Basa Delta workers
Ruslan and Viktor are digging for ice to cool their caught fish.
Гуля (Gulia), one of the kitchen ladys
Concentrated computer work is also necessary.
After our fieldwork in Basa Delta and the other study sites for the last three weeks, we return to Almaty, the big city.
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