17. - 20.07.2014
I'm back at the Kunawski Bridge, Clare is gone and it's the first, time that I'm alone only with kazakh people. As usual I go bird watching in the morning and do some vegetation recording for Niels in the afternoon with the help of the kazakh students. But this time also Viktor takes me a few times to his gradmothers house in Aral Tobe, so I can eat some propper food and wash myself in the ванная (Banja).
We are back and built our camp again at the same spot.
Кунавски мост
Kunawski Bridge
Northern Lapwing
Vanellus vanellus
Great Egret
Casmerodius albus
At the river side
Common Tern
Sterna hirundo
juvenile masked Wagtail
Motacilla personata
junge Bachstelzes
Yellow Wagtail
Motacilla feldegg
Tree Sparrow
Passer montanus
Dunes in the river
White-winged Woodpecker
Dendrocopos leucopterus
Eurasian Hoopoe
Upupa epops
Turkestan Tit
Parus bokharensis
Turkestan Meise
After the my bird observations often I take a rest in the hammock.
Vegetation recording in the Tugai forest
Talgar leads me to the recording points.
In Aral Tobe
Viktor doesn't like to use the bridge ...
In the steppe
View to the Kunawski Bridge
The sun sets and we need to finish the recording.
Night-time at the Kunawski Bridge
Grey Heron
Ardea cinera
On top of the Bridge
Next stop is Basa Delta.
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