11. - 12.07.2014
This friday we get up early, because Azim and me start our trip to Kyrgyzstan in the morning.
On our way to the west, the Tian Shan mountain is always on our left side.
This field was burned to make the ground more fertile
for more crops.
These wind turbines on our route are brand new.
Қордай (Korday) is a small kazakh town directly at the kyrgyz border. Azim and me just walk over the border, come back into Kazakhstan and refresh my visa. Afterwards we drive along the border in east direction to Azim's village.
Before we continue the drive, Azim invites me to taste his favourite drink ... It is grinded grain, that tastes bitter. As Azim says, it might be healthy, but anyway that's not for me.
In Kara-Su we go for some groceries shopping
to get presents for Azim's family.
We buy some delicious bread
from this special oven,
some melons
and lots of vegetables.
Then we move on.
Cattle farm
The road leads us all along the border.
View to Kyrgystan
A branch of the Шу (Chu river)
We make a stop at the border.
The Chu river marks a natural border between Kazakhstan and Kyrgystan.
Azim and his car
European roller
Coracias garrulus
We arrive at Azim's village.
This is Azim's school.
Here is Azim's house.
Azim's sister shows me their backyard.
Gallus gallus domesticus
Bos primigenius taurus
Malus domestica
Apple tree
The smallest room
Cucurbita spec.
Azim's parents keep cattles, goats and chickens.
I'm invited to watch to milk the cow.
Azim's sister is assisting by holding the cow's tail.
Azim's step mom, Azim, Azim's dad, Azim's sister and Azim's grandmother
(from left to right)
I'm also invited for dinner.
After a restorative sleep and breakfast we set off for the way back to Almaty.
The view from the hill on Azim's village.
We take Azim's sister with us back to Almaty.
Everywhere on the roads you can see old german trucks.
In the evening we are back in Almaty.
Before we set off for the next fieldwork round, Clare and me enjoy the view over the big city Almaty together with Viktor.
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