Sylvia and Svea, two german girls from the hostel, and me make a trip to the Медеу (Medeu) mountains today.
In the mountains only 16 km from Almaty is the Medeu ice stadium.
Medeu is the highest skating rink in the world.
Some world championships were carryed out here.
Sylvia and Svea
The Lonely Planet leads us the way to the hiking trail.
View back
It's getting steep.
That's me.
Wild raspberries
It's very dusty.
Poor Winnie Pooh got lost.
On our way back down, we see really old construction machineries.
In the small but rich village of Бутаковка (Butakowka)
The river Pravy Esentai gets embed in concrete.
At noontime we are back in Almaty. After our hiking trip we decide to visit the public Банный арасан (Arasan sauna) and relax, before we celebrate Sylvia's birthday!
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