Freitag, 12. Oktober 2012

CBD COP 11 Halftime


The first CBD COP week is almost over. But having a weekend trip is also nice!
This morning Svana and I join the CBD Alliance at 9:00 a.m. again. When the discussion comes to side events, we as the youth plan the dodo award for next week. Now, I don't want to disclose to much.

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Afterwards I participate the negotiations about resource mobilisation. Then I visit the side event "Conserving biodiversity heritage sites for climate change adaption: role of youth in liking cultural practices and future strategies" by the deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). The sacred sites and the associated traditional knowledge may become indispensable when the communities try to find sustainable solutions for adapting to climate change. One of the most important stakeholder groups in this process is the youth, who will witness the results of the present effort. The event aims at highlighting the potential of traditionally conserved sacred sites as reservoirs of opportunities towards climate change adaption, sustainable livelihoods for rural poor as well as preserving the biodiversity heritage of the country region and understanding the perception of youth in maintaining the sacred sites and the possible role they can play in the overall institutional framework. This side event is organized in the form of a planel discussion to provide a platform to discuss the reasons and benefits of conserving the sacred sites, their potential as a climate change adaption tool and the role that youth can play in maintaining this rich biodiversity heritage. The event also showcases the example of the sacred sites of North Eastern Region of India.
At the planel discussion a guy from Ethiopia says, that he joined the side event, because of the youth aspect. But there was not much said about the role of the youth. He announces, that it is really important to include youth in conserving rich biodiversity heritage, because they will be the next generation, who has to continue this current work. I want to show him my youth-badge, but he doesn't look at me.

At 3:00 p.m. we have our GYBN meeting and talk about the registration for the High Level Segment next week. Also we discuss, how we proceed with our proposal on item 5.4. Then organization follows. In the end we talk about going dancing on Saturday. Swetha shows us the newspaper, where a picture of our dance from yesterday is printed.

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I joined the dance, but on the picture Swetha is standing in front of me.

We participate the plenary in Hall 1.

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_1270313 - Mariana

_1270315 - Isa

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_1270320 - Svana

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We are the youth!

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At 6:00 p.m. Alex, Christoph, Isabel, Juliane, Meghan, Shailyn, Svana and I leave the HICC for our Leisure Cum Heritage tour.

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Let's go!

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With the bus it takes us more than two hours for 72 km to Vikarabad.

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As we arrive at the hotel in Vikarabad, we get our of the bus
and some guys thrust coconuts into our hands.

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Some coconuts taste like nothing, but others are enjoyed.

To top off the day, we have a fantastic dinner with several courses and Kingfisher beer outside under starry heavens.

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Juliane, Meghan, Alex and Christoph

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Isabel, Svana and I

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Svana caught a firefly.

Soon we go to bed, because tomorrow we have to meet at 5:30 a.m. for our bird watching tour.

On the NAJU-Blog you find a german version!


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