The High Level Segment at CBD COP 11 is opening today. Also GYBN has its first side event in the evening.
This tuesday is a packed day at the CBD COP 11. In the morning Isabel is joining the Women Causcus meeting, Juliane visits the Bird Life meeting and Alex, Svana and I praticipate the CBD Alliance. There Svana clarifys the last questions with Tasmeen from the CBD Alliance about the organiuation of the Dodo Award tomorrow. Afterwards we get together to write our statement for the Dodo press conference. Two women from Bird Life International and WWF Germany make the approach to us about including the issue of resource mobilization into the argumentation of Dodo awarded countries. Currently Christoph visits the meeting of the EU commission.
At noon time we all visit different side events. Isable and I attend the side event "A two-step contractual approach to making nagoya functional: scoping contract and actualisation contract the Bhutanese policy for access and benefit sharing" by the Fridt for Nansen Institut. This side event is a joint event between the National Biodiversity Center in Bhutan, CEBPOL in India, Natural Justice og FNI. The topic is to explore a two step chontractual approach for making ABS provide fair benefits from speedy access. The newly developed policy on ABS in Bhutan will be presented along with a more profound look at the contractual mechanisms established in the policy.
At 2:00 p.m. we get together in Hall 2 to follow the opening of the High Level Segment on screen. There we meet the youth group Go4BioDiv. We coordinate the intervention we will give as youth representatives at the High Level Segment.
Swetha and Naimisha from Hyderabad
Alex and Melina (:
As the openening ceremony is starting late, we, the German youth delegation, start a fotosession at the plenary desk. We are trendsetters, because other delegates copy our idea and position for photographs.
Svana, Isabel, Christoph, I, Alex, Christian and Juliane
we are the German youth delegation supported by NAJU
The plenary Hall 2
We represent the German youth at this CBD COP.
This is me.
Melina from Brazil
Other delegates are also in position at the plenary desk.
Also we have time for an upate meeting of the German youth delegation. Isabel reports from the cooperation with the Women Caucus. Tomorrow there will be a press conference about Gender and Youth by GYBN and the Women Causus. Christian prepared our side event for tonight. Braulio Dias will probably join for a short while and instead of Nicola Breier Thomas Ebben from the BMU will visit us.
At 15:20 p.m. the opening ceremony finally starts. Jayanthi Natarajan, the minister of environment India gives the salutatory. Then speeches of Achim Steiner, the exekutive director of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), Hiroyuki Nagahama, the environment minister of Japan, Kiran Kumar Reddy, the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, with the same speech from the opening ceremony last week and Manmohan Singh, the prime minister of India follow.
Later we meet in the NGO room to do last preparations for our side event tonight, Moreover we are crafting awards which will be handed out at two press conferences in the next days. But also public relations for Germany are not suppose to come off badly. Together with Go4bioDiv we are working on the intervention.
Meanwhile I meet Niels Thevs from the university Greifswald. He contributes in landscape ecological projects in China and tells me about the SuMaRiO project.
For our side event Braulio Dias is really joining. Also Hosrt Korn is there for a short while. Christian presents the Global Youth Biodiversity Network. Amongst others he is telling what happend in the field of CBD COPs and youth participation in the last two years. Christian Ravi reports from the UNSCD, the Convention on Sustainable Development, and the role of youth. Afterwards Mariana presents YOUNGO, the youth initiative in the UNFCCC process.
Christian, Braulio Dias, Mariana and Juliane
Christian Ravi
In the plenary discussion with Tasmeen from the CBD Alliance, Thomas Ebben and our youth representatives we talk about the role and recognition of youth in the CBD process. Thomas Ebben thinks youth participation is awaking other delegates. Most are working in ministries and focus only on details. Thereby you can loose the view on the whole. It is impotant to get reminded why you are working so hard on the topic of biodiversity. He found our discussion with the German delegation yesterday and our presentation today really refreshing. Tasmeen speeks on behalf of youth, the CBD Alliance and the part, that will be born by her in december. She sees youth as the creatives with fire in their belly and which are having fun. But she noticed, that we already caught up the UN language. Therefore we do not differentiate conspicuously from other delegates in that point. Actually we should use ordinary language, so everybody could follow the negotiations. However, you need the experience to understand the CBD COP process. Tasmeen gives us the advice to learn, experience and share our knowledge.
Afterwards there is time for questions from the audience. Hassan from Somalia tells us his support and appreciates our engagement. Also Faizi from the CBD Alliance praises us and thinks, that youth is allowed to be rebellious. At last Melina shares her experiences and feelings as a biologist in company with all the policy makers and not forgetting lawyers at the CBD process.
Tasmeen, Christian and Christian
Thomas Ebben, Melina and Juliane
In the end of the day we work in working gropus on our press conferences, the secound side event and our intervention with Go4bioDiv.
It was a fantastic day! And in the next days is coming even more!
On the NAJU-Blog you find a german version!
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