Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2012

Dodo, Saree and a fish at CBD COP 11


A packed day with the Dodo Award press conference, experiencing wearing sarees, the Gender and Youth press conference and a lot of other things.
At 8:45 a.m. we join the CBD Alliance meeting. Then Svana gets dressed as a dodo again and I am helping her. All together wearing beaks we walk to the Hitex and spread the CDB Alliance newspaper ECO. In the lobby we get stopped by the police, which are asking for our permission. We don't have one, but for the CBD Secretariat it was okay. Some minutes later the police lets us go, but we are not allowed to hand out the ECO anymore.
At 10:00 a.m. our press conference starts. Canada and the UK are awarded for the Dodo. We as GYBN explain what the Dodo Award is in detail. The CBD Alliance brings the arguments, why those countries are nominated.

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Meghan is taking the Dodo Award as a representative of Canada.

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The secound Dodo Award goes to the UK.

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Ahmed is speaking for GYBN.

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Alfi, Ahmed, Svana, Alex, Christoph, Swetha and I
as Dodos

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GYBN and

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Achim Steiner

Once we finished our work on the intervention and the Busy Bee statment, everybody gets dressed in sarees! Nymisha brought a lot of sarees form her mom and we also borrow some at the exibitions center.

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Working on the intervention

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Nymisha and Christian

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I found a tiger to cuddle with.

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Melina and Isabel look beautiful in their sarees.

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I, Swetha, Svana and Melina
from left to right

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We love wearing sarees.

At 2:00 p.m. the secound press conference about Youth and Gender starts today. Isabel is moderating, Christoph presents GYBN and Meghan tells about her view of Gender and Youth. Also Esther Agbarakwe and Evelin Ausosta Gutraréz from the Women Caucus are joining. Laster Rachel Kyte, the vice president of the program "Sustainable Development" by the World Bank, gives a spreech.

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Isabel and Christoph

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Evelin Ausosta Gutraréz

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Christoph introduces GYBN

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Rachel Kyte

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Giving interviews

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Nymisha, Christoph and Melina

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Svana, Swetha, Christoph, Alex, Melina, Nymisha and I
from left to right

As we walk back to the convention center, we get a lot of attention. Also Braulio Dias comes across our way and Melina asks him to take a picture with us.

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Svana and I

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GYBN in sarees with Braulio Dias

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The German youth delegation

As I want to bring back the saree I borrowed I meet a hugh fish.

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Actually at 7:30 p.m. we want to meet the German delegation, but the meeting is suspended. So we directly go for dinner with Melina, Meghan, Maggy and Nymisha at the Paradise.

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Juliane and I

Afterwards I walk back to the hotel. And tomorrow the COP continues!

Thanks to everybody who gave me their pictures!

On the NAJU-Blog you find a german version!


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