Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2012

GYBN's first intervention at CBD COP 11


Today GYBN has the chance to give its intervention!
This morning the German delegation meets in the Hotel for breakfast. Everybody tells how he or she is feeling and we discuss what we would like to do on the weekend. Then we go by riksha to the HICC. I participate the negotiation about the Nagoya protocol. There is a consistent tendency of the parties. In general the Nagoya protocol is adopted by most parties. They support the protocol, but lots of delegates remark, that their government requires more assistance in implementing the Nagoya protocol. Moreover lots of parties announce, that capacity building is a key issue for most to ratify the protocol. Some countries like Egypt, Gabon, Tunesia and Argentina, that already ratifyed toe Nagoya Protocol, ask other countries to follow. The chair announces, that he closed the speakers list. But four countries requested the floor after the list was closed and five NGOs asked for speeches before the list was closed. So the chair decides to give every party two minutes to make an announcement and afterwards the NGOs are allowed to speak for three minutes.

At 1:15 p.m. Svana and I visit the Side event "Launch of the global invasive alien species information partnership" by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. There the Global Invasive Alien Species Information Partnership (GIASIP) is officially established to assist parties in implementing Article 8(h) and achieving relevant targets within the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011 - 2020, particularly Aichi Biodiversity Target 9. We listen to talks about the Gateway, Interoperability, Pathways and the Importance to parties.

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Then Svana remarks, that Braulio Dias is joining this Side event, too. How cool! He is here to sign the partnerships of the Natural History museum Paris, IUCN and the Natural History museum London with the CBD Secretariat.

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Papers to sign

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Braulio Dias

Later GYBN is joining the plenary about Engagement of stakeholders and major groups. We want to bring our intervention and make an proposal on the item 5.4. But we need the support from one of the parties, so our point will be discussed. Nicola Breier, the leader of the German delegation, lobbies different parties for us. It is hard to get support from the EU now, because all EU countries have to coordinate first. Switzerland doesn't want to support our statement, because they think it is to strong. Anyway, we get the floor and Mariana speaks for the youth!

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Mariana from Earth in Brackets and Christoph
in the front
Alex, Svana and Chantal
in the back

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Swetha, Juliane, Alex, Svana and I
from left to right

Afterwards we clap and a lot of people are joining. It's amazing! Then Norway has the floor. In the end of their speech, they announce their supportment for the youth! Also Republic Domenica and Gabon support us!

In the afternoon Christian presents GYBN at CEPA side event and Christoph visits a WWF side event. Isabel, Juliane, Svana and I join the European NGO meeting. But it is kind of boring. A lot of word are told without saying anything.

At 8 p.m. we have our daily GYBN meeting again. In the beginning we tell, how we are feeling. Then we prepare questions for Braulio Dias, we will meet tomorrow morning. Also we talk about general organisations and before we go hotelme, Swetha teaches us a dance, we paractice for school kids tomorrow.

On the NAJU-Blog you find a german version!


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